Do you enjoy singing? We invite you to sing with our adult choir, the more the merrier! This group rehearses and performs about once per month with a break over the summer. Rehearsals are held on the Wednesday evening before a Sunday performance, with a quick warm-up rehearsal on Sunday morning.
Wednesday rehearsals:
6:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary
Sunday morning warm-ups:
8:40 a.m. downstairs
October: Rehearse 10/16, perform 10/20
November: Rehearse 10/30, perform 11/3
December: Rehearse 12/11, perform 12/15
January: Rehearse 1/15, perform 1/19
March: Rehearse 3/12, perform 3/16
April: Rehearse 4/9, perform 4/13
May: Rehearse 5/14, perform 5/18
Mount Horeb United Methodist Church
9542 County Hwy S
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
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